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This course covers three parts. The first part includes Essential Python with Hands-on sessions on most of the topics of Python. For instance, it covers high-level data structure, Control flows, functions, modules, Object-Oriented Programming, File Handling, and Exceptional Handling, Regular Expression,  Unit testing, Pytest, Testcase, and Test Suit. 

The Second Part includes Python Selenium with hands-on sessions on PyUnit Framework, Selenium 1, Selenium 2, Web Driver Installation, Architecture, Driver for Chrome, Exception Handling in Selenium, Working with Page Elements, Controls Listbox, Radio Button, Multiselect box, etc.  This course also includes advance Selenium topics like implicit and explicit wait, Java Script Alert, Windows Tabs, and Frames, Working with Static and Dynamic Tables, Action class for mouse and keyboard, File Upload and download. 

Third Part includes Mobile Application Testing, Different types of Mobile apps, Mobile app testing challenges, Cloud-based mobile testing, Bluestacks, Android Platform, Mac OS Introduction, Appium Installation, Architecture, Appium for Android and IOS .

At the end of this training participants should be able to achieve the following objectives:

1. To use Python high-level data structure, Control flows, functions, modules, Object-Oriented Programming, File Handling, and Exceptional Handling Regular Expression,  Unit testing, Pytest, Testcase, and Test Suit.

2. To use Python Selenium with hands-on sessions on PyUnit Framework, Selenium 1, Selenium 2, Web Driver Installation, Architecture, Driver for Chrome, Exception Handling in Selenium, Working with Page Elements, Controls Listbox, Radio Button, Multiselect box, etc.

3.   To use advance Selenium topics like implicit and explicit wait, Java Script Alert, Windows Tabs, and Frames Working with Static and Dynamic Tables, Action class for mouse and keyboard, File Upload and download. 

4. To understand Mobile Application Testing, Different types of Mobile apps, Mobile app testing challenges, Cloud-based mobile testing, Bluestacks, Android Platform, Mac OS Introduction,

5. To perform Appium Installation, Architecture, Appium for Android and IOS. 

6. To write Python_Appium Client query to select the mobile application elements and perform various actions on the same. 

Participants should have at least basic programming skills in C or C++. Having Object-Oriented Scripting skills will add the advantage to understand Python Object Oriented behavior. 

1. Machine with 8GB RAM and 100 GB Storage

2. Windows / macOS is preferable for IOS application Development. 

3. Java 1.8 above version 

4. Android Studio 

5. Anaconda with Python 3.7 is preferable for Python and Selenium code. 

6. Appium Installation 

7. Node JS installation with npm commands 


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